I Want to Know if Memory Foam Mattresses Sleep Hot?

15 years ago

Yes and no. Early memory foam predecessor were more likely to be a problem than today’s memory foam beds. Unfortunately…

Can I Use A Mattress Pad With One of These Memory Foam Mattresses?

15 years ago

We recommend the use of a mattress pad or protector with any mattress for hygiene purposes in addition to regular…

I’ve Heard That These Memory Foam Mattresses Sleep Hot. Is That True?

15 years ago


Do I Need a Heater In My Water bed?

15 years ago

Is a waterbed heater essential and necessary or is my bed going to become a giant ice cube without it? Cold??? Click this photo…

Can Dogs Puncture Water Beds?

15 years ago

On more than one occasion dogs have been known to damage water bed mattresses. We have seen cases where dogs…

What Do Mattress and Furniture Stores Do With Old Mattresses?

15 years ago

Most people have no idea what happens to their old mattress when their dealer hauls it away or exchanges it under…

How Can I Cool My Waterbed Heater Down

15 years ago

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes I Have Turned My Waterbed Heater Setting Down As Low As It Will Go, however…

Layaway At STL Beds

15 years ago

Layaway Payment Option Once upon a time before the credit was king layaway ruled the buying world. Stores would agree…

Green Mattresses – Are People Getting The Message?

15 years ago

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes Are Eco-friendly Mattresses Important? It may not seem essential to the average person and some…

Is It Safe To Use A Hand Me Down Mattress?

15 years ago

Are you worried about the safety of a hand me down mattress? When thinking about second hand mattresses you really…

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