Big Mattress, Little Room

17 years ago

When it comes to moving no one wants to do it but the job has to be done. Well, you…

Comfort Guarantees – Who’s Been Sleeping on Your Mattress?

17 years ago

Comfort guarantees - offered by some retailers, loathed by others, but what are they? They are a way through an…

The Mattress Industry Name Game

17 years ago

When car shopping one can easily go from one dealership to another and compare various models with relative ease. Example:…

Mattress Motion: Full Vs. Reduced

17 years ago

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes When waterbeds first hit the market, they were nothing more than full-motion free-flow water mattresses,…

Will A Waterbed Crash Through My Bedroom Floor?

17 years ago

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes So you've probably heard about waterbeds and how they can enhance your sleeping experience dramatically,…

Moving, Draining, and Refilling Your Waterbed

17 years ago

Do you need to move your waterbed?  Follow these steps to ensure that the move is a success and you…

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