Stress—we all know that overwhelming feeling that often lingers for way too long. As our list of things to do grows longer, our worries multiply before our eyes, causing our anxiety levels to rise, which leads to us just wanting to hide under the covers forever. This is obviously not possible since we lead busy, fulfilling lives. We don’t have time to let stress get us down! So, what do we do about it? Well, besides meditation, exercise, eating healthy and binge-watching your favorite Netflix show (always brings me joy), there is something else that can really make all the difference—quality sleep. When you neglect your need for rest, your body begins to shut down in protest, causing you to be groggy, cranky and well, stressed! Not only do you need to set enough time aside to get your full 7-8 hours of sleep, but you need to think about how you’re sleeping. This is where our organic body pillows come in, the sleeping aid that can relieve all sorts of discomfort, giving you a calming (and stress-free) sleep. Keep reading to see what I mean.
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In order to overcome your stress, you need to slow down those racing thoughts, particularly when you’re getting ready to fall asleep. I mean, how can you have sweet dreams about organic kapok when you’re too busy freaking out over that surprise birthday party you’re planning? Stop thinking about confetti and cake for a moment and breathe. Make a list of the things that are worrying you before you go to bed, and then agree that you won’t think about those worries until the morning. It’s time for you to focus on your body, your alignment, and your comfort.
Lay on your side and grab your body pillow. Focus on relaxing your muscles and how your body feels in that moment. By using a body pillow, your spine stays in proper alignment, helping you avoid back pain in the morning. The body pillow will also stop you from tossing and turning, which is usually caused by uncomfortable sleeping positions.
The act of hugging your body pillow can improve both your mental and physical health because it calms the mind and eases physical aches and pains simultaneously.
Okay, it might seem strange to hug a pillow, but the act of hugging is incredibly comforting, making you feel stable and safe in the moment, even when you’re combatting a stressful environment. When you properly hold your body pillow, your arms embrace it like a child holding their favorite teddy bear.
Oxytocin (the hormone released when we hug) is known as the “cuddle hormone.” It is this hormone that makes us feel warm and at ease when we embrace a loved one. Hugging can even lower your blood pressure, which makes sense since oxytocin calms your mind and body. In a Huffington Post article, the author mentions a study published in the journal, Psychological Science. The lead researcher, Sander Koole, noted that “even fleeting and seemingly trivial instances of interpersonal touch may help people to deal more effectively with existential concern. Interpersonal touch is such a powerful mechanism that even objects that simulate touch by another person may help to instill in people a sense of existential significance.” So, an object such as a body pillow can help the user feel a sense of relief and comfort, pushing any fears into the furthest crevice of the mind while dozing off to sleep.
This article references oxytocin as the “trust hormone,” and points out that it’s known to “lower anxiety, improve memory and act as a stress-reliever.” Therefore, the act of hugging your body pillow can improve both your mental and physical health, because it calms the mind and eases physical aches and pains simultaneously. It’s okay to admit that you want to feel safe and comforted at night, especially after having a tiring and emotionally strenuous day. A body pillow can be that sleeping aid that you depend on every night; it can be your symbol of relaxation and healing.
As noted before, it’s incredibly important that you pay attention to what your body is telling you. Do you have any aches and pains? Where are those pains? Are you sleeping in a position that will help you, or do you think your sleeping position is actually making the problem worse? When used properly, our body pillow gives your hips necessary support and keeps your back aligned as you sleep on your side. By placing the pillow between your knees and hugging the top, you stop your body from twisting and falling forward during the night, which can lead to waking up with a numb arm, sore hips and back pain.
One of our emotional responses to pain is anxiety, which of course leads to stress. When we experience pain due to our sleeping habits, it not only disturbs our sleep, but increases our level of stress. The body and mind are deeply connected. If we ignore the needs of our body, our mind experiences its own form of pain, and that is an unhealthy way to live.
By switching to an organic body pillow, you’re introducing a tool into your life that will greatly benefit your nighttime routine. It’s a product made of only organic and natural materials, such as organic kapok and natural latex. As you hold onto the organic cotton casing, you’ll have the peace of mind of knowing that you’re cradling a pillow made to benefit your health. There is nothing comforting about synthetic materials or cheaply-made products that lack durability. Our body pillows are even customizable, so you can take out as much of the natural fill as you want. This unique feature allows you to control the height of your pillow so that it’s the perfect fit for you! A body pillow should be purposely designed with the customer’s needs in mind, and that is exactly what we offer.
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