In the Bedroom

Do I Need A Split Box Spring?

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

When it comes to moving into a new place, there are plenty of things to consider: Do I need a garage? How much should I spend on furniture and other items? What color paint should I use in the kitchen and bathroom? What kind of faucet should I get for the sink? Does my new bed fit our mattress or do we need to buy a new one as well? The list goes on! This post will cover what you need to know about getting your Split Box Spring, how it works, and why they’re so helpful for delivery. We’ll also look at some situations where getting split box springs might not be the best idea.

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I recently moved into a new neighborhood in St. Louis, and I love it! The people are friendly, the pizza shop is awesome, and the parks are beautiful. I’m so glad that we decided to move here.

I’ve been getting to know my neighbors and they have some great tips for things going on around town. We’re all planning on hitting up a concert by The Weeknd next month at the Enterprise Center. Can’t wait!

My Kitchen Is A Bit Small, And Some Of My Furniture Might Be Too Big For Each Room.

My kitchen is a bit small, and some of my furniture might be too big for each room.

Split box springs are helpful with delivery because the bulky king or California King sized mattress can be placed in the room and the 2 split pieces of the box spring can be assembled together on-site!

The Worst Part Is That I’m Going To Need To Get A New Box Spring For My Bed. But My Room Is Too Small For A Regular Box Spring, So I’m Thinking About Getting A Split Box Spring.

A Split Box Spring is a special type of bed frame that allows for two separate boxes to be placed on top of each other, with one box attached to the headboard and the other attached to the footboard. This is great because it allows you to get the height that you need from your mattress, but without having to worry about taking up too much space in your bedroom or apartment.

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This can be especially beneficial if you have limited space in your bedroom or apartment. Since split box springs are only as thick as one mattress, they take up less room than regular box springs do (which would have both sides connected).

Since this is such an important decision for most people when buying new furniture or renovating their current furniture, here’s information on how split box springs work:

  • The first thing that you need to know about split box springs is that they are made up of two separate parts. One part is connected to the headboard and the other is connected to the footboard so they can work together as one unit.
  • The second thing you need to know is that they come in different sizes. They can be full-size, queen-size, or king-size depending on what size mattress you have or want to purchase.
  • The third thing that you need to know about split box springs is how they work. As I mentioned above, they are made up of two separate parts: one connected to the headboard and one connected to the footboard. These two parts are attached together by screws or bolts so that they form one unit that can be placed under your mattress.

Is This A Good Idea?

  • Split box springs are designed to fit in smaller spaces.
  • Split box springs can be assembled on-site. This is particularly important if you’re not buying a new mattress, as there’s no need to have it delivered and carried upstairs or into an elevator just because the bed isn’t ready for use yet.
  • Split box springs are not very common, so if you want one, you’ll likely have to special order one from an online retailer such as Amazon or Costless Mattress (whom I’ve used).
  • If your home has fewer than standard-sized rooms, split box springs may be cumbersome and awkward for your needs.

Well, There Are A Few Things You Should Know Before You Consider Getting A Split Box Spring. First, They Can Be Hard To Find Because They’re Not Very Common.

Well, there are a few things you should know before you consider getting a Split Box Springs. First, they can be hard to find because they’re not very common.

Split box springs are typically used in the construction of furniture or mattresses that require more than one level of support, but they aren’t as practical as regular box springs. They can be difficult to fit into your home’s existing frame (especially if it’s an older one), and they may not give as much support as standard springs do.

If you still want to go with a split spring model to save money on mattress purchases or storage space in your apartment building, make sure the manufacturer offers an extended warranty on the product so that any defects that arise after purchase will be covered by insurance and not left up your budget.

In An Ideal World, We Could All Afford Box Springs That Fit Our Beds Perfectly And Give Us Plenty Of Support Without Taking Up Any Extra Space. Sadly, This Isn’t Always Possible!

If you are shopping for a bed frame, it is important to know that split box springs are not always the best solution. If you have a mattress that is already fitted with one side of a split spring, it may be difficult or impossible to find another matching unit. Additionally, there are many reasons why it might not make sense for your particular situation:

  • Split box springs can be hard to find. They are not very common, so they may only be available in some areas or online only. If you want them locally and/or in person at a brick-and-mortar store, this could cause problems when searching for your next item of furniture!
  • They take up extra space in our bedrooms (and other rooms). Some people don’t like having extra stuff around when they’re trying their hardest just get ready every morning before work; others prefer simplicity over convenience when possible! Do what makes sense for YOU!

Split Box Springs Are Helpful With Delivery BecauseThe Bulky King Or California King-Sized Mattress Can Be Placed In The Room And The 2 Split Pieces Of The Box Spring Can Be Assembled Together On-Site!

Split box springs are helpful with delivery because the bulky king or California King sized mattress can be placed in the room and the 2 split pieces of the box spring can be assembled together on-site!

  • It is easier for most deliveries to have one large piece that is easier for them to carry.
  • It is usually easier for you, too, not having to lug an entire box spring into your place all at once!

The mattress and box spring are two separate pieces, so you will need to assemble them together. The process is very simple; just follow the instructions in your package and soon you will have your bed ready for use!

If You Have Tight Spaces Continue To Read Our Blog Post On Why You Need A Split Box Spring.

If you have a tight space that needs to be built around, then you might want to consider purchasing a split box spring. These types of beds can be assembled onsite by the delivery team and will fit through most doorways or narrow hallways. It’s important that you measure your doorway before ordering your bed as well because some models will not fit through certain-sized doorways.

Once the bed is assembled and set up in its final resting place, it’s time to add the mattress (which we’ll cover later). When installing your mattress onto the boxspring, make sure that it’s centered evenly between both sides of the frame and doesn’t stick out past either side too much; this could cause discomfort when laying down or rolling over in bed at night!

If you’ve ever purchased a mattress online, then you’re probably familiar with the fact that it can be very heavy. This is why it’s important to have at least two people available when assembling one. You’ll also want to take some time getting acquainted with how each component fits together before attempting any assembly; this will save you time in the long run.


When you’re shopping for a mattress, one of the first things you’ll notice is that many of them come with a split box spring. This can be confusing for consumers who are looking for a simple bed frame to go with their new mattress. We hope this post helped you understand what a split box spring is and if you need one.

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James McMinn

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