Does A Hardside Waterbed Come With The Plywood?

Does A Hardside Waterbed Come With The Plywood?

February 17, 2012
In the Bedroomwaterbeds

Question: Does A Hardside Waterbed Come With The Plywood?

Answer: Yes, every wood framed or hardside waterbed includes a supporting floor or solid base. We call this part of the bed, the decking. However, the decking is usually not made of plywood. Many stores like STL Beds choose to no longer use plywood due to bowing and warping issues, a problem the waterbed industry dealt with years ago. So, the answer to the question “Does A Hardside Waterbed Come With The Plywood” is yes.

Where To buy Water Bed Decking

For those people like Jan who are looking to buy a complete waterbed it is important to know that most companies selling waterbeds and waterbed decking use at least 7/16 inch thick (OSB) Oriental Strand Board. The same stuff used for roofing. 

For those of you not looking for a complete waterbed, you can buy the waterbed deck or decking by itself, we recommend your local hardware store, Home Depot, or Lowes. It is quite cheap there and can be purchased for under $20.00. It need only to be cut to size.

  • Here is an example of how most stores price a hardside waterbeds like the Briarwood, this is called a Standard Package.
  • Here is a link that includes more information about Waterbed Decking. of everything that is included with the Briarwood.

I have included this link to our selection of other Hardside Waterbeds. Please feel free to contact us with further questions. You can order this bed online on our website or by calling us at 636-296-8540.

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