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I have found especially with the new fire code 16 CFR Part 1633 and technical developments in the last 5 years you cannot and should not assume the quality is still there. Today’s thicker mattresses are loaded with low grade padding materials which means more body impressions and shorter life expectancy for your mattress. This is especially true of the new one-sided mattresses that didn’t even exist which now dominate the market today.
Frankly, this may be the most ridiculous mistake people make. I cannot remember the last time I bought a pair of shoes, neglected to try them on, and then wore them for the next year or so every day. We spend 1/3 of our lives sleeping and is one of the most important purchases you can make that directly affects your health. This is why retail stores often offer a mind-blowing selection of mattresses to choose from as opposed to just one model.
Different people have different needs so do not assume that if it’s good for them it will be good for you too. I will just point out that each of us is different and unique and have different tastes. One person’s injured shoulder, hip, or back may require a specific level of support, firmness, or softness out of their mattress that their friend or family member may not require. Keep in mind that just like food how good it tastes is subjective to the one who is eating it.
Most commonly this is asked by elder customers. Unfortunately going back to mistake number three, firmer in many cases is not always better. Softer surfaced mattresses can often offer relief to people that have specific pain due to pressure that can be reduced with a sleeping surface that is softer. It is important to make sure it has a good core base support.
Some stores due to their buying power can dictate what goes in their mattresses for better or worse. The truth is this does more to improve profit margins than improve mattress support and comfort. It’s our opinion that the product as designed and developed by the manufacture is going to be most comfortable, durable, and supportive for the consumer making it a consumer’s best buy.
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