Low Profile Queen Hook-On Bed Rails with 2 Cross Supports and Center Beam (F88004)



W Silver Product’s (WSP) F88004 Steel Queen Bed Side Rails with Hooks In Frame
can be used as a new or replacement rail system for most queen size beds, but the reason people buy it is because it can lower a mattress set 3 inches. It hooks into vertical receiving slots located in the legs of your headboard and foot board and replaces on of two existing side rails; steel side rails or wooden side rails.

The WSP F88004 includes two heavy-duty steel side rails, two hardened steel cross-telescoping support bars, and one head to toe beam.  Includes 6 long-lasting legs that can easily support the weight of a mattress set, the bed, and the little ones when they come running when their scared. This is ideal for thicker mattress sets or beds that are just sitting way too high. If 3 inches is not low enough, you may want to consider getting a low-profile boxspring or foundation in addition to this frame.


Not sure if this queen hook on bed rails with center support frame will work?

See other WSilver products

SKU: F88004 Category: Brand:


Why would I need an F88004 Rail System?

  • Do you have a Queen size bed and does your mattress set sit way too high?
  • Would you like to lower the overall mattress height?
  • Perhaps you’ve lost or damaged your old wood side rails?
  • Maybe they have cracked, split out, or broke?

W. Silver Product’s  F88004 Queen bed side rails with hooks can be used to replace your existing queen-size bedsides. The great thing is they are beefed up and loaded with extra middle support not found in the average frame.


Measurements and fit of the WSP Queen Hook On Bed Rails with Center Support


W Silver Products (WSP) rail system is a patented, slat-less hook rail bed frame that hooks into virtually any existing bed with a headboard and footboard. Their queen bed side rails with hooks are built and shaped from 1 1/2 inch wide hardened carbon steel which provides support and strength required by nearly every mattress company. Unless you are receiving slots that are worn out or not standard, the down hooks slide in for a snug and safe fit.  The design of the L shaped side rails is made from hardened 1 1/2″ steel angle iron that gives uniform support along the entire length of the box spring. In most cases, this makes the need for wooden slats unnecessary.


The F88004 drop rails have an additional feature not often found in standard rails, an extra cross arm for a total of two much-needed center supports that span the frame’s width. One towards the head of the bed and one towards the foot end of the bed. The hardened steel cross supports telescope to fit more bed widths while keeping the side rails from spreading apart like an old whiskey barrel. Additionally there is a steel beam that runs head to foot and connects to the two cross bars. It has two adjustable feet. Perfect support for the middle of your Queen size bed which requires more than just two side rails.


Your new cross-support arms and center head to toe beam hold up the middle of the bed with two legs. The two center legs have adjustable feet that are threaded and can be positioned 4 inches to 7 inches off the floor for the proper leveling of the boxspring, mattress support, and bed connection. Additionally there are 4 more adjustable feet to help support the four corners of the bed and lower stress on your existing wood head and foot board. The queen bed side rails with hooks measure approximately 82″ long leaving just enough space to make the bed between the mattress and the headboard and foot board ends.

If you do not want the 3 1/2 inch drop, check out the 62CS.


Note: STOP! Before you slide the bed, Don’t!, Will cause legs to be unstable.

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