No. 9 Swing Hinges


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fs_prod1 (1)The No. 9 Swing Hinge accessory kit from Glideaway allows for two metal bed frames in twin size to connect to 2 twin mattresses and boxsprings. They are built using heavy gauge steel with nylon bushings for silent hinging operation. Packed in pairs with hardware
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No more Ricky and Lucy twin size mattresses set sitting across the room from one another. A swing hinge kit brings couples back together but keeps them on their own mattress for optimal comfort and individual support.


How would I use No. 9 Swing Hinges?


Bolt up 1 swing hinge bracket to the left side of your king headboard then do the same for the left side of the headboard.

Next, take the swing hinge bracket you just attached and fasten it to the left mounting bracket of one twin bed frame. Take the other twin metal bed frame and bolt the right mounting plate to the right swing hinge you attached to the headboard. Tighten bolts firmly into place

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