Water Bed Box Pedestal



The Innomax Water Bed Box Pedestal goes by several names: Pedestal riser, shadow box, waterbed pine pedestal rise. The most important thing to know is that it can be sold separately without buying the rest of a waterbed or comes as the basic standard box pedestal when you purchase any complete hard side waterbed (when bought new).


The standard pedestal is the most economical bed riser that is available for a hard side waterbed.

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This 12-inch tall Water Bed Box Pedestal is the most basic and simple of all waterbed risers. It is also the most common height for a water bed pedestal riser. Other heights such as the 13 inch and 18-inch tall risers are sometimes obtainable or can be made.


Water Bed Box Pedestal Construction:



  • 2 Finished Oak Side Boards.
  • 2 Finished Oak End Boards.
  • 1 Hardware package which includes 4 metal heavy duty metal corner brackets and all the necessary wood screws.
  • Interlocking middle support brace pieces.

Box pedestal riser construction is often criticized for being built using thin 1/2 oriental strand board or plywood for middle bracing and, at first glance, some might agree. Talk to any industry expert and they will tell you that this is an ingenious idea and dramatically helps to cut the end cost to the consumer. By simply turning those boards onto their edges, their strength is increased many times over and you could park a truck on them when positioned correctly.


This newly found strength can easily hold any size waterbed including those weighing more than 2000 pounds. The perimeter supports are made from 3/4 inch thick pine. While not as common, some competing models are made of cheap paper laminated veneers and other woods. Again, while many of these are quite strong, ours are even stronger since they are built from solid pine that is thicker and more resistant to water if they were to get wet.


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